आप मरे सो जग परलय

When a person or individual spirit dies or leave the mortal frame is a state of dissolution for him or her

It is Half truth, truth of the mundane sphere alone

Death and Life

Death and life are not fundamentally isolated experiences, in mundane language when memory persist it is sleep when Memory cease to self is death,
Common between the Death and Life is desire
Indeed light is life and Dark is death
All Dramatical efforts on part of mind in coexistence with mundane object is life
Physical existence that live is life for spirit, when it cease to self as mute once for all on mundane plane is death

Life and Death

Beings on the subject of life have no authority over the system of life and death but Human
Human culture is blessed with divine spirit that helps one to pierce through the veil of other world
Every day nature gives birth to new smile and sames cease to self in way one or other is process of life on the planet
Process of breath in and breath out is life, controller is some else and beings are subjects to this process but human is blessed with intellect to pierce through and liberate self from,
True Saint is the key

मृत्यु एक सत्य है पर अंतिम सत्य नहीं

Death is a truth but not the ultimate one

मृत्यु सत्य से अधिक एक भय है जिसका निवारण ज्ञान से किया जा सकता है

Death is fear more than a truth which can be overpowered by the true knowledge unto subject

सत्य निष्ठ प्राणियों के लिए मृत्यु एक वरदान है व् दुष्कर्मियो के लिए अभिशाप

For virtues death is a blessings that gives peace and bliss with unison-the most desired one with ultimate soul mate, the God-where as tough task for deluded

मृत्यु का पार पाना सहज संभव नहीं पर मृत्यु से पार पाना सहज संभव है

To reach at the depth of the mystery so called death is really tough but to by-pass this deadliest event is not that difficult

मृत्यु से मुक्ति पाने हेतु प्रथम सूत्र है आत्म ज्ञान

First step towards liberation from death is knowledge unto self_knowledge unto Atman or Soul

जीवन व् मृत्यु एक दुसरे के पूरक है

जीवन में ही मृत्यु का मूल निहित है व् मृत्यु में जीवन का बीज अटल सत्य है
Death and life are two half of a circle, start of life based on the sphere of death, death ever remains along with in life but in hidden mode but reveal at right time on the verdict of Maya-delusive potency of God

Know it

Atman-The eternal , is far above the definition of birth and death, it is knowledge eternal, neither cause nor effect to any thing but_

Soul eternally remains the same but subjected to changes in subtle and sub subtle status of self but_

Indeed soul continue even after death but about state_

Sports of Maya indicate action for soul to trap it, action mostly emerges from delusion where as knowledge manifest with wisdom of light to make an easy escape from the deadliest mode death,

From the diary of life,

Death is aftermath of Birth
After death this physical body composed of five elements cast off a coil of the snake, the inner astral consist of Manas Buddhi and Ahankaar goes to region cannot be define in mundane language, came back with time to the physical plane to experience the truth of karma,
Indeed astral body contains the impression of all past births on the sphere of karma,
This cycle may not be the favorable, is more of like a bondage
This bondage can only be overpowered through knowledge unto truth which leads one to realization.

Individual is destined to go through Birth and Death until one realize one's true self that far above pain and pleasures of this mundane plane

Reincarnation is inevitable like Death

Death God Yuma is equally compassionate and lover of justice,
death god Yuma ever stand by his duty, in other words is alike Dharma-Raj,
Death god takes all due care in transit period,
Death God keeps favor for truly inspired duty bound spirit on the sphere of life,

Lord Krishna In Gita

Death is certain to all those who are born
and rebirth is must to all those who dies
but when self is realized with respect to supreme personality so called God automatically one crosses the cycle of births and deaths

Death is certain for born and rebirth is inevitable for the dead

When a man dies during the preponderance of Sattva, he obtains the stainless ethereal worlds that heaven attained by men of noble deeds,

Dyeing when Rajas predominates, he born among those attached to action, even so-the man who has expired during the preponderance of Tamas is reborn in the species of deluded creatures such as insects and beasts etc,

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

O mind try to percive it at its true pitch that

There are three vision of the same subject,

Observation of somebody's death{ very causal effect unto self}
Self analysis unto death{ not a easy subject for any one}
reading the phenomenon of death{ is beyond perception for worldly man}

In broad Spectrum, it is a subject of experience for self which last short

Indeed it is not a theoretical subject that value based calculation

Indeed it is totally different than the subject one subjected to in life

Prevailing consciousness in the phenomena of death liberate one from the cycle of birth and rebirth for the time being
Self realization is alone stand by in the v hour of this mystic change

Indeed anatomy of death goes in positive spirit

Nothing dies in death but one left apart the residual reality of mundane plane

The self that lives and enjoy the whip of life maintain the status quo as it is but miss the company of fellow beings is death.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

DEATH and there AFTER

Hare Rama




It is life which is followed by death,
Indeed it is death which is followed by life again and again,

Soul experience the life by the grace of God on the planet and that to celebrate in true spirit to experience the feeling designated for on the sphere of Maya,

Day and night is the formation by the pace of planet and the existence of sun,

Birth and Death is the sports of Maya for spirit on the cord of karma with the version of God,

Feeling unto present is Life

When feeling cease to self is Death

 But a question ever remains unanswered what is after death,

Existence of spirit or soul is truth and life gives light to this truth and there is dark after the life, mystery in self,

Indeed life is a journey and every journey is bound to have a destination,

Existence of soul in the journey of life is not limited to a birth, 

Of sure we  traveler here in the journey of life,

One cannot be assure of his first or the last journey but it is taken as that if it is a journey on the carrier of human profile may lead one to the destination designated for,

Life is period span one devote in the journey to experience the feelings on the cord of karma,

whichever journey may be carrier is bound to change every moment with the pace of life and subjected cease in self to act for so called death,

Span of time awarded to carry on with here is  called life which have its limitation on the chapter of time, fate and karma.

Death is denoted as passed away-as the time passed out-passed away which was allotted to us for specific period to carry on and their after its death.

Unanswered question follows life all along -
From where we have reached here, {may be our desire to visit this beautiful planet in the light of truth and joy}


Where we head for-{indeed for truth which gives soothing peace and bliss if we match the cord of karma}


Where we have to go-{ the pace of our karma fix it-indeed our desire leads us to]
what’s up with this -{sports Of Maya on the verdict of God}


What’s up with the life-{beautiful Gift of God to experience Eternal joy hard to have otherwise}


Why we have been here so on -{indeed to experience and establish our pristine relationship with god}
Why to go off from here{restart the new journey with new carrier and new destination may be good or tough that depends on}

Of sure who has come on to this beautiful planet so called Earth has to go a Day,

Final destination known to self only kept on with at inner region and best known to lord alone,


Referral deal  between the soul and the God is mystery to life which can unfold with the key of true knowledge.

What ever deal it will be, but of sure that to the interest of soul alone, that to the give the pace of dignity to soul and that to pave the path for emaciation at last,

Our acts in life decide our fate of our journey after the death, which leads on through the seven channels to move ahead either to a face the glory or to mend with agony.

Among those seven channels one quotes the reincarnation of life in difference with in different mode to meet one’s own past establish facts on the track of acts one earn while performing the scenario of life.

One channel leads the way among those seven a renunciation or unison-also meant the total freedom from the bindings of illusion-the bindings of our acts-the bindings of our wishes ; achieving the supreme power apart from illusion-apart from the set mode of ego[profile of life under the charter of illusion]-apart from the charter of life and death[bindings of time limits]

A freedom from the self even & being in to the one but one form of supremacy of self evaluation by the one & the all to elevate the status of soul to the mode of supreme-THE GOD


Life and Death,

Truth of Life and secret of death both are tough for spirit to perceive at its right pace and true pitch,
Life is an object which is being seen through varying angles at varying levels but death is being visualized through one level and at same angle which creates the difference and doubts on the sphere of truth,
Indeed for an enlighten spirit both appears at same plane without much difference in self 
Death of a man_
Sound current that belongs to ether or Aakash Tatv begins to withdraw from the body, the process may differ for varying people, few experiences it in a fraction of a second and few take time and suffer miserably, current began to withdraw with the sole of the feet and ascends towards the head with a pause at DEEP-Shika for a while till final flight take out for soul and depart the body, breath in breath out process breaks once for all in that body, the soul ascends and the person dies, It needs 14 rounds to re-enter earthly life to settle the karmic dues,  

Notes from the diary of life_

There are four immediate streams which catch on with after the end_

1.Beginning of new era in the form of life, mostly end writes the notes of beginning

2.Pause and wait for a while, one have to wait, put on pause for wait and watch for the next event their in, it could also be a state of bliss or else.

3.Change over mode, transmigration with all together different notes of life.

4.Emancipation, beatitude, union with supreme one or get absorbed as one with supreme soul.


Law of karma_
What one sow has to reap the same with the difference of time and era


Truth of life_
One has to meet one’s fate sooner or later on the verge of acts


Truth of soul_
Always roams on for the state of peace and bliss

Truth of illusion_
Ignorance in broad spectrum

Truth of lord_
A comprehensive mode of truth in self which in fact hard to put on words and beyond the reach of interaction with mind, different for all to understand but easy to attain through the wisdom of divine love.


God_ supreme state of consciousness {creator of all animate and inanimate}

Soul_ consciousness but in subjection of ego

Illusion {nature} _ media of interaction


Those who can make an honest approach unto the truth of God with faith and submission easily attain the truth of death with out fear and anxiety and accept gladly which is fear to all,

 जीवात्मा जब देह त्याग के मार्ग पर होता है 

वाणी स्थिर हो जाती है 

दृष्टि स्थिर हो जाती है 

मन प्राण में विलीन हो जाता है 

प्राण आत्मा में समा जाता है 

आत्मा अपनी पूर्व गति हेतु स्वयं को स्वयं से बांधती है 

समय अनुकूल सहजता से देह त्याग कर देती है 

देह त्यागने के बाद मन पुनः एक विचित्र आवेग में स्वयं को पाता  है 

यहाँ यह शुक्ष्म शरीर के आवरण में पुनः सक्रिय हो जाता है 

और पुनः सुख दुःख का अनुभव करने लगता है 

पूर्व चेतना में पहुंचने का भरपूर प्रयास करता है 

यहाँ अनिवार्य सत्य की सर्वाधिक आवश्यकता होती है 

बहुत ही कहने से स्वयं के पूर्व रूप को पहचानता है व् 

पुनः पाने हेतु आत्मा को विवश करता है, 

पर अधिकाधिक दुःख के अतिरिक्त कुछ नहीं पाता 

दुःख व् सुख मन के ही दो वेग है 

अतार्थ मृत्यु उपरांत भी जीव इन्हे त्यागने में कठिनता अनुभव करता है 

इसी लिए जीवन में वैराग्य का महत्व है 

यह मन की गति को पुनः आत्मा में लौटने में मदद करता है 

शरीर त्याग कर आत्मा मात्र मल मूत्र त्याग व् भोजन निवारण से ही मुक्त हो पाता 

यहाँ कुछ समय तक उसे अपने पूर्व कर्मो का संक्षिप्त बोध होता है 

और वह आत्मा की धुरी को ही जीता है 

कोई कर्म भेद नहीं 

और आत्मा के शुक्ष्म शरीर से मुक्त होने पर ही मन शांत होता है 

मन की गति है आत्मा की शांति व् अशांति का कारन बनती है 

यहाँ शुभ कर्म की महिमा का पूर्ण बोध होता है 

यहां भगवत प्रेम के सत्य का मान ज्ञात होता है 

यहाँ धर्म की व्याख्या स्वयं प्रगट होती है 

यहाँ की चेतना बहुत लोगो के लिए कठिन होती है 

समय पाकर आत्मा नया शरीर धारण करती है 

पर पूरब का सब स्मृति से लुप्त होने के कारण 

जीवन को सही दिशा देने में पुनः भूल कर सकती है 

शरीर त्याग के बाद सबसे अधिक कठिन यात्रा मानव की ही होती है 

अन्य योनियों में जीव को मूलतः परितोष के साथ नया जीवन सहज ही प्राप्त हो जाता है 


When the soul is on the path of changeover

speech becomes stagnant

vision becomes stable

mind merges with life force

the soul that consciousness is absorbed into the soul

The soul binds itself to its formal truth to take off

Gives up the body with ease

After leaving the body the mind again finds itself in a strange impulse

Here it gets reactivated in the shell of the Subtle body.

and starts exploring the joy and feeling even without the support of senses

makes every effort to reach the former self-instituted consciousness

Here the essential truth is most needed

By saying a lot, he recognizes the former form of himself.

compels the soul to regain,

But more and more finds nothing but sorrow

Sadness and happiness are the two velocities of the mind

Therefore, even after death, the soul finds it difficult to abandon them.

That's why detachment is essential in life.

It helps the movement of the mind to return back to the soul

After renouncing the body, the soul can be freed only by excretion of excreta and food intake.

Here for some time, he has a brief understanding of his past deeds.

And he lives only on the axis of the soul

no karma distinction

And it is only when the soul has freed from the subtle body that the mind becomes calm.

The speed of the mind is the cause of peace and unrest of the soul.

Here there is a complete understanding of the glory of good deeds.

Here the value of the truth of God's love is known

Here the interpretation of religion manifests itself

Consciousness here is difficult for many people

In time, the soul takes on a new body.

But due to the disappearance of all the memory of the Past

Can again make a mistake in giving life the right direction

Giving up the body is the most difficult journey for human beings among all species.

In other species, the living entity gets a new life quickly with the original satisfaction and mostly with elevation in higher species.


जिस व्यक्ति ने जीवन काल में ही समय रहते 

आशा, कामना, वासना मामतत्ववादी व्यसनों को त्याग दिया 

जिसने दुर्गुणों व् कपट को त्याग दिया है 

जिसने भगवत प्रेम को ही सत्य माना है 

जिसने परमार्थ को जीवन का रूप दिया है 

जिसने निस्स्वार्थ सेवा धर्म को परिपूर्ण रूप से निभाया है 

मृत्यु उसकी दासी हो जाती है 

मृत्यु स्वयं सत्य का रूप धारण कर उस जीवात्मा को मोक्ष के द्वार तक छोड़ कर आती है 


Stars in the sky are infinite and in a process of evolution in themselves,

So is the truth of the soul, as the star maintains individuality so the soul maintains this truth but in the embodied state, 

The soul manifests on the pitch of the Ego and dissociates from its hidden source and thereby immediately embodied in subtle truth at the core of sub-subtle reality after that with time embodied in gross form essential to be a party to the planet, subjugated to the phenomenon of birth and death in four broad classifications in eighty-four lakh species,

The journey of the soul starts with its isolation truth from its source at the pitch of time, with time goes through many births and the last resort is human, a close truth for final beatitude, a shore to merge in truth with the ocean of sky, that emancipation, 

Philosophy of life in context with the soul is infinite in itself and a distant chapter for anyone except enlightened souls, 

No one turns back, to tell the truth after death and state their soul face in circumstances but for mystics,

Mystics peep through the veils of eternity at high regions within self and bring back the truth of reality soul faced in varying circumstances hereafter,

Many enlightened souls attain the truth of Siddhas that exist in reality body of illusion without afflictions of the body, they may be anywhere in any form to wish to, and no one can touch them in any form,

 Indeed a species among eighty-four lakhs free from the truth of deterring, but they may help even out of proportion to anyone with their inherent truth for here as well as there,

Mostly they remain in hilly terrains or in the deep-rooted forest in indifferent forms, 

In broad-spectrum everyone is forced to act in truth with karmic bondage yet the Definition of Karma acts upon all, 

The one who is performing the role of a priest or the one that a butcher has to address self at its foremost in truth with karma and karmic baggage irrespective of anything else but for those who live a truth of realization in spirit with,

The one that is born as a Brahman may born as a Sudra next, and vice versa,

The one that an animal killed by a butcher may become a butcher in the next and butcher may become an animal is a common phenomenon in the chapter of life irrespective of being ordained as such hench a mystic hyper state remains active in the illusion of Maya hard to pierce through, 

And the whole phenomena placed in the sphere of time in truth with eternity, the best antidote to recover from is to be with self in truth with realization, 


May Lord bless all,

Hare Krishna


Hare Rama